Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's a New day!

Well, Hello You Awesome You! Welcome to my blog world! I hope that you are having a great day filled with peace and joy. I'm so glad that you stopped in for a visit with me. Allow me a moment to introduce myself to you. I am a creative soul who is constantly creating in some way everyday. I love to organize and clean. Yes, you read that right - clean. There is just something about cleaning that opens the windows for my creative thoughts to flow. Go figure. I have been blessed with a home of which I am able to hone my decorating and creative skills that have been in development for many, many years. Ok, I'm not that old, however, my house is a reflection of what has been in the works for a number of years. The funny thing is, that when I was in my twenties, I spent way too much money on retail stuff that just never actually worked in my home. Over the years, I unloaded this good merchandise and defined my interest as eclectic shabby repurposed comfort. Oh yeah, I furnished this look from other peoples stuff found in yard sales, flea markets and Goodwill. I just love a great find with an even better price, don't you?! I believe that my love of 1930's - 40's black and white movies (TCM) is the backdrop to my overall vision for our home. So when I find pieces that fill the bill from that era, I get really, really excited!
Most of our furniture is something that I made. Uh hum, yep, I made it - power tools and all. That's a joke between hubs and I. He knows the grocery store aisle by aisle as I know Lowes, aisle by aisle. What "biscuit" is to him (bread on which to slather butter), "biscuit" to me is a a joiner for making furniture. I'm not a prodigy of Norm Abram by any means, but I'm not to shabby either.
Recently, I have discovered the joy of making candles and soap. This is a great new hobby for me as I need a more, uh, quiet hobby, shall we say. There is nothing like making a candle and having it fill the whole house with such a great fragrance - AND - having soap that is in the same or complimentary scent. Pure heaven. As soon as I fine tune these new hobbies, I hope to be branching out to more scents-ible products so that my home smells yummy all the time in all the rooms, minus the overpowering effect.
I love to entertain and have guests into my home. Soon, I'll have the privilege of doing just that as an in-law is due to spend a few days here with us in Nashville. I just finished sprucing up the guest room to ready for his arrival and am currently pondering the menus. I also made a few quick changes around the house to quietly bid summer "see you later" and "hello" to fall.
I have been busy with many projects lately and am about to finish some of them - woo hoo! Don't you just love when you have successfully completed a project? I sure do. Maybe that is why I keep so many of them going.
Well, I will leave you with this thought from Epictetus: "First say to yourself what you would be, and then do what you have to do."
Have a wonderful day!

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