Friday, October 22, 2010

Bye bye Booth

I went out to my booth earlier this week and gave my notice to close my sweet little booth. It was not an easy decision so much as it is simply the beginning of letting go of those deep intimate dreams that I've held for so long in my heart. I gave my notice to my dearest fellow booth owner who happened to be working that day. She has known some of the things that I've been dealing with and as she asked questions, she found out the rest of the story. She teared up and made me tear up too. However, the other side of this bittersweet story is that I've known deep down that this day was coming. In an odd way, it's a relief to have a defined date ahead rather than some dark mysterious "some day" that weighed in on my heart so heavy. I can make this confession rather easily after hearing Joyce Meyer confess the same thing about a job she had in ministry for 5 years and one day, suddenly, Daddy said it was over. That is a very similar experience for me with the booth. There is a part of me that is not only relieved and sad, but a part of me that is ready for a rest and a new adventure. While the booth was fun, these last few months have been physically difficult for me to maintain it because of increasing health issues, but it was mentally draining as the creative outlet seem to become the brook that dried up. Even though I loved the life as a booth owner, it seems that something is missing; that there is supposed to be something more. I don't know yet what it is. But I do believe that this is just one aspect of what He told me must go in order for something new to come.
Thank you so very much for your encouraging thoughts and words! I can tell the difference over here, thank you for praying for us. We are in need of all the prayers we can get. We are not nearly as bad off as some people, but our little world is still shaking and it's an all new tribulation to us.  There are still several other greater changes yet to be faced in my life. When this will be, I don't know. I just know it's coming. So again, thank you for being you and praying for us.



  1. Hello my friend !!!! Im sorry I havent been in touch latley but you know my computer issues.. hey do you think you could build me a new computer with those power tools of
    I know we are sisters from another mother, cause I have been dealing with a lot of the same issues that you have.. my husband was unemployeed for such a long time, but in now working again..(Thanks God) and I was working two jobs.. my own, Moms Helper and also working part time for my friends office,, and it was very very draining on my mental ...
    I saw that Joyce episode too. but im afraid I just did what she did, before God took her job away from her.. I told my boss that I had to go down to 2 days a week,, and I hope that helps, but my health issues are getting the best of i need to be more careful..
    I dont know what your health issues are,, but I love ya girl friend.. and you are in my prayers..
    I will be in touch as soon as i can,, my computer was just having an especially good moment and let me
    stay in touch.. did I give you my email address..
    Bless you my friend..

  2. Oh Ellen,
    I am so sorry, but I am trusting with you that God has even more wonderful things in store for you in the days and months ahead. I have fibromyalgia so some days get the best of me, but we keep plugging along don't we. God is so good all the time and I just try to remember that. Praying for you my new blog friend as you go through this trying time in your life. He loves you...He treasures you and He adores you!!

  3. Ellen, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Cling to God's promises for your life and remember to in the dark NOT forget what He promised us in the light. Grace and Peace to you.


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