Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hello World!

Hi Everyone!! I finally have a minute to introduce you to my newest Baby Love Two! Our little pink bundle of precious baby love finally made her arrival on March 16th. Here's our little Sophia Ellen,

Yes, my Baby Girl and Favor'est Son in law blessed me with the honor of naming little Sophia with my name. And yes, I did tear up as any joyful Nana would. Little Sophia was almost born in the backseat of her parents car which would had been just like her Nana being born in the back of the car! She took her time in getting here, but when she was ready, wow! A few pushes later, and here she was. Perfect, healthy and just beautiful. Mama and Daddy are just over the moon and can't stop smiling as they exude pure joy.
Sophia is tiny and oh so quiet. Her birth weight was 7 pounds, 2 ounces. Doesn't she look even smaller with her Daddy's hands around her? Baby Love One, Jackson, is not so sure about his new little sister as he told his parents to "put back" and "stop it" with Baby Love Two. Whada' ya' expect from our little Baby Love? ;))

The family has adjusted very well and all are doing great. Little Sophia is moving right along on her growth chart and even Baby Love One is adjusting to having her around. 
Our visit with them was of course, entirely to short, but I'm thankful to have been there with them to adore and love on them all. Welcome to our Family Baby Love Sophia!



  1. How youngest granddaughter has my name as her middle one, I still tear up when I think about it! Enjoy your blessings♥


  2. She is a beautiful baby:) I know how proud you must be. Your granbabies are so cute.

  3. Ahhhhhhhhhh!
    What a sweet, sweet baby!!!
    Look at you happy Nana!

  4. She is so sweet and just beautiful! Glad you were able to be there and love on all of them for a bit. Congrats on a beautiful family!
    Hugs- Tete

  5. Che dolce bambina!AUGURI NONNA.Sicuro questa bimba porterà tanta gioia in casa.Di nuovo auguri a tutta la famiglia.Bacioni,Rosetta

  6. She is so beautiful!!!! i know your proud She was born right next to Tia's Birthday her's was March 12th can't wait to see more pictures of this little bundle of joy.


  7. Oh she is so sweet and precious. Definitely love from above.


  8. She is adorable! Love her name.

  9. Oh congratulations my friend.. what a wonderful time in life,, and I know as you do, just how great it is to be a grandma.. I skyped with my grandbabys last night.. Well congratulations again.. cant wait to see my pictures of them as they grow up..
    love ya.. have a blessed week...xoxox

  10. Hi mama! I love seeing my precious little girl and my handsome little man on here! Love you!

  11. congratulations! You have a beautiful famiglia.Bello the name that you gave to the baby.

  12. Congratulations! She is beautiful and so is the whole family. I bet she is just too sweet and you just want to snuggle with her all day.
    I love the name! (My niece is Sophia Elena)

    Glad to hear all is well! I hope you are having a great day!


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